Thursday, April 26, 2007

Kiki's Q+A

1. What is your all time favorite Nora Ephron film?

You've Got Mail, obviously. I have a huge old man crush on T.Hanks and I love love love the mid-nineties trends in it- AOL, Starbucks everywhere and of course, the introduction of the megabookstore. Also, I get a huge kick out of Tom deleting his typed words by hitting the delete key over and over again instead of holding it down.

2. Suppose you are curled up and just chilling- would you be snacking on: chips/salsa, ice cream, or apples with peanut butter?

Toss up between chips/salsa. Preferably blue corn chips with mango/peach salsa. For ice cream I would have to say B+J Mint Chocolate Cookie or Starbucks Mudpie.

3. What is going on with Drew Barrymore?

I don't know! But I love her hair in FeverPitch. And I love FeverPitch, but notsomuch her in it. She is just ok in it.

4. Who do you most identify with in Steel Magnolias? Miss Truvy, Annelle, Clairee, Shelby,or Ouiser (weezer)?

Ouiser or Miss Truvy. I feel like I am usually more like Miss Truvy minus the DDD chest and tousled blonde hair. Ouiser can be such an ol' coot though!

5. Veronica Mars or Twin Peaks?

As awesome as Special Agent Dale Cooper is, everyone who knows me knows that the answer is VERONICA MARS.

6. Favorite place to eat in the state of Virginia?

By region:
Arlington- Queen Bee (RIP)
The City- Artie's/Dolce Vita
Charlottesville- Take It Away
Richmond- Sticky Rice

7. Cartoons for adults- yay or nay?

Nay. I am a little insecure about my feelings on cartoons. No matter how witty or cutesy they seem to all my friends, I could just care less. The Simpsons. Meh. Family Guy. Snore. I don't even really know what that aqua-teen-something-or-other is- and I feel like I am supposed to!

8. What was one of your favorite hobbies when you were a kid that you would never participate in now?

Soccer. According to a home video, eight year old me LOVED soccer. Like, so much, i wrote about it in my journal and would practice in the back yard. I don't remember anything but hating it!

9. Favorite hot dog condiment?


10. When you aren't chilling, would you choose basketball, baseball, or racquetball?

To play, I guess basketball, but only fun games like HORSE.

11. If you had to choose one HMPV contributor to plan a chillfest for you-including the environment, movies/tv, and eats- who would you pick and what type of chillfest do you think they would plan?

Smash. We have been cultivating the act of chilling together since we were fourteen. I imagine her planning one of our "abroad" chillfests. These usually include playing gin (in our hotel room), drinking red wine(in our hotel room), and taking three hour cat naps. A chillfest here in the US of A would most likely involve: drinking red wine (worldly!), watching several episodes of (angsty wb teen show or SWC), and occasionally pausing to chat.

12. America's Next Top Model (ANTM) vs. Search for the Next Pussycat Doll- which one is more addictive?

ANTM- Cycle 1 only. When it comes to reality TV, I actually prefer celeb based reality more (ie Tori and Dean: Inn Love, Run's House, etc).

13. Favorite Wes Anderson created character?

14. Did you do your own taxes this year? If not, who did? How much was your refund?

No. My Pops. Dunno.

15. Did you want to be named something else when you were younger? What?

Yes. I was convinced that my name should have been "Samantha". To this day, I still think I look like a Samantha.

16. Who is your favorite founding father?
TJ. Duh.


Smash said...

SAMANTHA!!!! You're my dumbest friend.

Hannah said...

Queen Bee "RIP"?!!? WTF?!!?!?


afh4 said...

I love that You've Got Mail is abotu how evil big bookstores are yet Starbucks are everywhere in it.

Smash said...

I also love how Tom Hanks makes a big speech about why big bookstores aren't that bad, as if to justify the inevitability of all small bookstores' deaths, including Meg Ryan's.

Not that I don't love big chain bookstores--they're my thing, they're who I am.