Wednesday, April 25, 2007

LADIES and MANOREXICS your dreams have been answered!!!

WHO LOVES TWINKIES (the cake like confection, not the racial slur for americanized koreans like myself)?!


I work at a catering company. I am bombarded by calorie ridden sweets everyday. I love to eat, but I would also like to keep my girlish figure. I also would rather stop conceding to eating yogurts or "fruit" or my viactiv calcium chews for dessert (caramel flavored - will save for next blog entry). ENTER JEANETTE DEBRIENZA, the elderly Avon saleswoman from the shop next door. Jeanette is awesome. She is Brooklyn, born and raised. She organizes ladies trips to Mohegan Sun (indian casino 20 minutes outside of the city) and to Atlantic City on a chartered bus. Usually she is trying to peddle some grody generic frosted oatmeal cookies or like, a tub of whipped cream cheese on me. This time, however, she comes in with these:

I'm all over this shit. She gives me one of the little carrot cakes and I'm in heaven. It tastes nothing like carrot cake but I don't care because it's got that fake, synthetic and alarmingly shiny "creme" in the middle and at a mere 33 calories i can eat like, 17 more. Ladies and manorexics alike, I don't want to get all "Kirstie Alley" on you but now you can have your cake and eat it too! So what if the ingredients don't exist in nature? ITS OK THE POINT IS YOU WON'T GET FAT.

bon apetite!


Blimp said...

Dang girl! I am so glad/nervous you posted this- I am going out to buy some tonight! Thanks for the tip! Happy eating!

afh4 said...

What I would like to do is get a whole box of those and go on a road trip. Just eating fake twinkies and riding the road. Sounds pretty good to this ol' lone wolf.